FACEBOOK 101 Tips and Tricks for Public

FACEBOOK 101 Tips and Tricks for Public

1. Registration
Your name
Adhere your own name or nickname, people use it more often, to register. It is important to make sure that the friends, family and colleagues can easily locate.

2. Your e-mail
Facebook sends a lot of applications when you start recording in different groups and fan pages, programs, and even comments. But people can also be entered by e-mail, so you should probably use your personal e-mail. Check it often to requests of friends and many others. It must be really though, because Facebook uses it and sometimes your phone number to verify who you are.

3. Read the
Always read the terms on each page, and Facebook is no exception, although it should be noted that the Facebook TOS updates it often causes a lot of outrage in the society. Know, where are their rights and read the documentation.

4. Searching for e-mail messages
In some cases, when you sign up for Facebook, especially if you are Free  e-mail system like Hotmail or Gmail, Facebook can retrieve e-mail addresses and see if someone in your address book is already on Facebook.

5. Profile information - school, university, company The first piece of Facebook profile information requested by the school (year of departure), University (year-departure) and companies - begins at the first basic group joins, so you can find alumni and colleagues - If you do not want nobody to find, leave it blank and click Skip.

6. Profile information - picture
photo or avatar does not need to be with you, but it's usually a good idea to use a shot of myself so that people are not confident that you have found you can add you. Many people change their profile pictures a week, however, so you can use only pictures that have copyrights to.

7. Profile Information - basic information
When you get on Facebook, you can fill in any or all personal information about basic information field, depending on security settings, will be able to see it - sometimes the difference between knowing whether you or someone else he will be a friend, so that information can be useful.

8. Profile information - online dating is Facebook?
One of the basic elements of information from Facebook asking for the registration is what you  you  for on-site, along with religious standing. Do not be afraid to sign  friendship  in this field, even if you are actively seeking a relationship - there is no greater importance for people to add you. Facebook is not a dating site, but we are not in the group in order to find partners.

9. Profile information - personal information
Many people do not list all of his interests, instead of a list of those that interest you attract to your friends. If you  guilty pleasure , I remember that people can have access to information, even before you add them, so I do not want to publish it. The fields in this section are completely optional.

Information 10.Contact
One of the fields that you can fill it  contact. Please note that depending on the settings of security (see security and privacy), then you can put your ID in the  open , which you can open the bot to spam or contact us.

11. Profile Information - Network
If you are interested in chatting with or meeting with people in your region, you can add, where life and join with  uber-group. Some of them require e-mail addresses or other information that  proves  insurance, but Facebook has recently improved, with an interface so that works very well. Your network security is listed on your profile, unless you change the security settings (see the security and privacy)

Information 12. Profile - Friends
As we explain later, you can keep those that have been added will appear in the search, but your friends list is always visible. Be careful when adding  controversial  people in your life, because it is very easy for other friends to use the list to find others to add - the only exception is if you add someone with very tight security settings

13. Profile Information - Relationships
Facebook allows you to put the relationship on your profile - but the person who you are in a relationship is confirmed, you will be able only in connection with the mouse. Otherwise, will be marked as , in connection , but not with whom.

14. Fill out as many as possible, in
Remember, you can always go back and add or subtract information. Usually, people are not doing something but often, so spending the extra few minutes to sign to create the right profile is worth it.

15. Security from the very beginning We talk more about security later, but some people just join Facebook up to date with a small group of friends - if you're one of those people, then we want to ensure security is as tight as you can (see the security and privacy)

16. Finding  fan , friends, colleagues and stakeholders
Facebook has become quite easy to find people and add them, but mix with people, you may find yourself a fan page - which are like mini-profiles (we're talking about those more in the section) and groups. It is important to remember that people like the authors or the local people can have a lot in the search results, so maybe you should contact the them and ask what to add. We must also take an extra step to make sure people can find it. Currently, you can have 5000 friends whole.

17. Search
Search by name can restore dozens of results, so if you know the person well enough to find out what uses e-mail and add them using this. Adding people via e-mail is easier than searching for, because it means that you are sure you have the right person without opening yourself up to unwanted attention. If you add that someone is not actually the person who wanted to add, can see his profile.

18. Adding friends via If you are a close knit group of friends, a new group that met at the University, or for similar, it is usually ok to go through another friends list and find those you know but do not abuse this - adding each of every can you friends list marked as a spammer by Facebook.

19.More than one profile?
Be careful not to create more than one Facebook page - it's against their TOS and can lead to confusion when people you add. It is possible to create a main account and do the rest  Accounting , as the parties, but again, be careful - Facebook has a policy about the fake sites, fake or abusing the name of the bet.

20.Fan party too much?
You can hide the fan site (and applications, and even  friend  updates) can easily get through the channel up (to speak more on this in the management section of feed). Hiding fan sites, even temporarily, can let you read Facebook back under control, and allows you to decide whether you want to get to them and long term.

21.Removing friends, or parties Removal of your friends is easy - simply go to your friends list and click the x next to their name. You can find a list of friends, looking at the left column of the homepage feed, based on Facebook. You can also go to Account , and then  Edit  Friends Pages can be removed in a similar way in  Edit your friends , and then scrolling down to about half and clicking on the  page , (no orange flag next to it).

22. Using lists of friends to organize reading
Facebook introduced a concept called , friends lists  recently, allowing the group to sort of friends, sorting them into groups according to your own choice. Do colleagues, best friends, limited profile - the choice is yours. You can also change the mass, selecting options  Account , and then  edit friends  - entire list appears there with the drop-down arrow in the party. Just filter them on the list you do not mind, then you can control the feed.
Shipping via groups - your list of friends not only allow filtering of reading - these groups may simply to control what you read, or allow you to customize who sees what. If you do not want your grandmother seeing wild nights, I need a filter to the group, and then, when I post, click on the padlock little light blue. Enter your level access and off via the bottom box.
This can be set as Custom  Privacy building your posts, or outside one. (More on security and privacy)

23. Have been blocked?
Facebook is difficult to contact in case of problems, but sometimes you can send them on any published e-mail contact with now, and ask them to check if - if you did nothing wrong should be restored. If it had broken, you should urgently contact the support and respect the rules in order to regain control and become the operation.

24. Got a badge?
One of the most beautiful specimens of Facebook is the ability to create badges and display them on your web page or site. If you have a relatively public profile, you can use these easy - if your profile is highly protected and privacy blocked, may want to consider if you want to use it at all.

25. Want more?
If you only recently joined Facebook to look for themselves instead of by name, go to another friend's profile and find people you're looking for by checking the box of their  friends  on the left side, below the information. Be careful not to add too many people, though - this may be perceived as spam and can be picked up by Facebook.

26. Security and privacy
There are many options on Facebook, the need to pay attention, especially if you do not want to put the information in public places. There are options to protect everything you have on Facebook, creating a skip, naked public profile, but you need to change your settings, this is not automatically created.

27. Use a fine-grained control
I do not want access to family photos - to block them out. You just want to let you read access to the update status of the person closest to you? You can do it too (but remember, applications use the default of the posting, which is your general state of delegation setting). Go to  Account , and then , privacy settings, and explore opportunities there.

28.The narrow locks
If you put everything in its security  friends , and remove yourself from the search results and then start using Facebook, you must add people and never be able to do ourselves. If you do not want to, knowing that already on Facebook, this is the ideal solution

29. Get to know your settings!
Understanding of what the different settings for privacy and the posting of what makes or breaks you use Facebook. There are four settings -  All ,  Friends friends, friends only, and custom. Friends of Friends means that all information made available on your profile can be seen, that someone is a friend one of your friends, opening his profile to the much more visible.

30. Name, surname, date of birth, address and other information
With so many personal details as you means that you can protect yourself from identity fraud - it also does not add random people and practicing safe practices login and logout.
Facebook is full of errors which have opened for people to identity theft, but knowing the way the security settings that will stop it.

31. Privacy Policy - Profile Information
W  Account , privacy settings, you can set various parts of your profile and information to one of several settings - you can also customize them so that only their own friends list to see certain things. This additional level of security is extremely strong and worth the time to set up.

32. Plagued by a colleague that you just do not want to add? Sometimes people do not take no answer - if it turns out that someone is constantly asking for  add  it to your profile page, scroll to the bottom, then press  Report / Block this person. Blocking them will stop unwanted advances - will not be able to see you at all (or them) August 33.

Apps you? Does the application added suddenly change their policy of posting? Are you finding that some applications are more invasive than wanted? Go to Account , then  Application Settings. Can not delete no longer wish to use, change the policy of posting (in some cases) and others. Since Facebook has changed the way the application to alert the people, their Zgloszenie  channels were much less cluttered, but notifications are now displayed in the left sidebar, which causes problems for some people.

34. Do not let you see Search Engine
If you Search Engine using what little profile is visible after you adjust security settings at an excellent level of privacy makes you nervous, you can say, all the search engines do not want to display the profile by going to , account settings, privacy, Search and search engines , and unchecking the box next to  public search engines. If you have good security settings and gladly name, last name, Photo to appear in August, look at the preview before checking it. There is very little on the average profile, it does not have any updates.

35. Hacked?
It happens that people lose control over their Facebook account - this may be due to a virus, or worse. You regain control in accordance with the instructions, performing their own guidelines Facebook. It is important to do a virus scan as soon as they discover that already hacked - just in case - Is that before returning to the place on your profile.

36. Photos and videos - do not appear when you do not want, along with other privacy settings - especially beware of the film and photo settings. It is important to save the settings of photographs and videos as private as you can - if both he added, it displays them in  world  at all on the basis of settings. If you lock your photos and video options to minimum, just friends, you can be sure that the troublesome elements will be maintained only your circle, rather than from Search Engine Cache.

Part 2 - Access, API, and applications of remote Off Facebook access
It is important to take advantage of the software or applications that you can use, just because Facebook can become time consuming, if only access to it in the main terminal. Using the applications in order to speed up access means, in most cases, the time is not eaten by social networking sites (and you get to the game)

37. The best application on the phone?
There is no one  best  application on Facebook on every mobile platform, so look around and see if you can find highly recommended - sometimes phones are equipped with the application package, or built-in access to the API, which - if you are a social animal , the phone can be a lifesaver. Please note that most applications are limited, as most browsers based phone.

38. Tweet Deck?
TweetDeck is a poster twitter that has expanded to take in other places such as Facebook, and is highly recommended to any PC or laptop.
It has a small memory footprint and offers unparalleled access to many channels at once. Beware the API call to twitter though (150 hours). Facebook currently has no restrictions.

39. Automatic booking?
Some people use automated message is sent to enable them to information in the specified time, although the Facebook TOS seems to be a little gray on this issue. Be careful and only posting relevant information to allow you to connect to the network, and so was designed to enable.

40. Facebook connect
Facebook connect is a handy extension to login and Facebook API, various tie things back to their profile, or allows you to interact with other sites or programs with user credentials. This may be good and bad - if the interaction causes a permanent delegation to the channel, people may find annoying, but it means also that you have centralized logging.

41. Life streaming
Life streaming allows you to stretch all the channels in one place and
Facebook offers several models based on what you need for your site - The transition to the Facebook widget - or search the Internet for information about using RSS in interesting ways remote.

Part 3 - Basics of the page
Facebook basics are easy to learn, but if you skip the learning, it can slow you down en masse - there are a few features on the site, most people not used, and perhaps to better utilize their network, and share with friends

42. Shipping updates
Base of Facebook is the ability to upload a short (420 characters) updates - you can tag friends in those passing by @ (name) or simply tell people what you're up to. Some ascribe part in mini-games such as - the choice is limited only by the number of characters.

43. Auto subscribe
Commenting on the status of, or sympathy, or notes or anything else in the feed automatically  Sign Up  to report any future action. You can respond to this e-mail, however, which means you do not have to log on all the time.

44. Notification bar
At the top of the page there is a blue bar with four icons - this is a quick overview of all activities aimed at you. This includes all subscribed to by participating in it.

45. Your source for news
Your news channel is a few options - you can read the most Important  things (based on the algorithm of Facebook) or the most recent posts. No friends? Scroll down and click  edit options. Put 5000 in the bottom box - this will remove any restrictions on the channel.

46. Not interested in friend updates now?
If for any reason, you do not want to see a friend for updates (for example, their updates are not just about the games you play) you can hover over their updates, and a box will appear with the word  hide  - you  ll get various options based on what updates you moving over the face.

47. Walls
You can have public discussion by posting something someone on the wall. It seems that in the channel and there, so it is ideal for someone, congratulating, or wishing them a happy birthday. The walls of public places, based on those settings.

48. Boxes and cards
Various applications, you will be able to add fields and tabs to
profile. Fields displayed on the site and are small - the cards are items like the filing cabinet. They can give the ability to display critical information on their pages, or in separate  pages , but it can also mess on your profile page - be careful what and where.

49. Field profile
There are no fields in your profile (when you click a profile view), which can be easily edited and contains some key information that you choose. Some people use it to show others your calendar, while others displayed a quote or some information mini. Use this as best as you see fit to give friends and new added something interesting to read.

50. Left side - your profile
Your profile has a number of key areas of interaction - in the middle, where the channel is on the left, to gain access to things) and the right side, which has suggestions, gifts and other items from the application, and a few other things such as teasing.

51. Messages - messages are your internal e-mail inbox. This gives opportunities to people without writing a message on the wall (see previous tip), or start a discussion among your friends - if you do it often to see our tips for parties and groups.

52. Events
You can set the events - a bit like a calendar, people can RSVP and you can use it to invite your friends to do anything, from birth parties in the place to party or event in your favorite game MMORPG Guild. Use it to organize social events, without worrying about lost emails.

53. Removal of events that can not attend the
Once dropped the case, you can remove it from the list of events - just open the case, or leave a note apologizing for the absence then directly below the image on the right side, there is no option  Delete from my events.

54. Photos and video
Your photos and videos list item allows you to access the photos, which are marked with you (memorizing privacy settings) and their verification. You can also remove the tags at any time - which means, even if they are in the picture, it will not list in the stream.

55. Applications
All applications are available from this tab - you will be able to list on the most used and when, and also gives access to other options. This is a great card review of the application, what you do - and not - to use and remove them to save them cluttering up the feed or visit them and see what's new. You can also look for new applications from there.

56. Games
Just as application menu options, the option to show you when you've played the game or play friends (and how) and you know the popular games among their friends and the wider population Facebook, so that you have not seen yet.

57. Ads and sites
We talk about the more ads and pages in its section (Part 5 - ads and pages), but this is how easy access to them, and if they decide to advertise, set up like Adsense ads.

58. Usergroups
Your position really is the menu groups access to parties and groups, two letters of each column shows the current activity and more. You can easily check to see what can be missed simply by checking the last activity on those pages.

59. Notes
Bonds are like little mini-blogs, or may be used by channels to import RSS feeds and automatically post. Facebook own solution to life streaming, but only allows you to import an RSS feed channel at a time. Yahoo pipes can be built everything I wanted to import and use it as  feed uber , if you had a lot of blogs though, so it works well.

60. Links
Your links menu option is very similar to Del.icio.us - every time you link, it's not added to this list, and you can see what your friends have been posting recently, or just keep track of your own stuff.

61. Right
On the right side contains all the applications (such as gifts - be aware that the creation really quickly), proposals for a friend, information about inactive friends, teasing, and lists of events (as already accepted).

62. Gifts and App ads
Facebook suggested that in the end that's all you will be able to turn the bar on the left side, where the games are listed, but now it will still auction with gifts, invited to a game or other (including friend requests) in the upper right corner. It is to them - 20 invites per day lead to 140 at the end of the week and can be time consuming, trim them weekly.

63. Ads from the control application
Sometimes, no matter how hard you try mailing the application spiral out of control. You can devote time to repair, or cancel the application in question - when you click  ignore applications. You can also ignore calls a friend, but friend is... Refresh page and all You should be ignored there.

64. Suggestions
Facebook is an algorithm that selects the information to show that - when people friend other people, sometimes you have suggestions - As in the case of parties and groups. These suggestions do not see your profile (and until they add you, you will not see their entire profile). Proposals may be hidden or ignored.

65. Burying
Burying man can see his profile (even if they are not their friend.) If they are your friend, it gives them a message next time you log on to Facebook in the column on the right hands on their side. All reached the pokes you will be here to answer.

66. Events
You will get a list of all the events you are confirmed to participate in the sidebar - this is a wonderful feature, because you can customize just by reading her diary that area and reserve it for time management system of choice. You can also click and turn down through the event, or to see who else is involved.

67. Classifieds
If you have used Facebook to put an ad, you will notice that they appear in the column on the right hand. If you still see an ad, you can report it as Facebook can fix your algorithm by showing them, or hide it completely from you.

Part 3 - Clicking on a friend's profile
When you visit a friend, there are several things you can do a mile on the interactions with them, or see what we already have posted or omissions.

68. Below the picture
You can view your profile, click on their picture in the channel. There, you can poke them, watching videos and photos of them, or send a message. Below is information that already made available a list of friends, including marital status. It's a good way to catch up with someone who is not seen in a while, then reach around and to contact them.

69. Commenting on the wall
You can leave a public message people on their walls - just like they can do it for you - just click in the status and write what you want to see it - but remember, it also posts in the channel, so be careful what you say.

70. Adding an application or field your friend
If you see something really interesting, from your friend, click the - I add that they use the application instructions. If you have seen Facebook page that is exactly how you want to be yours, click through and make the elements as you can.

71. Commenting
You can comment on its own feed, or if you have already passed on a friend's profile (which is a good idea only if they already got the idea from their algorithm of feed-based) and a comment there. May limit the length of comments, but you can divide them into several boxes and will stack properly.

72. Tagging
You can tag your friends, and himself in most of the pictures you have access to - be aware that some people like it when he added the pictures, so if your friend is often clears itself, maybe I should not have the marker. Tag people in the movies or pictures, or notes will be visible in the stream.

Part 5 - your own page or groups
In addition to having your own profile, Facebook allows you to keep the core group and, for the fan, you can also create a group to talk about their passions, interests, or both. You can also join the other - indicates some places, is to reduce the amount of parties and groups that you can add.

73. Group or party?
The site is basically a mini profile - the group has more group centrist feel to  front  side, but there is very little difference between them in reality. There is no accurate current data published on the limits and groups, so there can be any - but be careful, to join the  official , group, or the fans belonging to the official entity - there are many unofficial fans and groups Facebook and it's not very controlled at present.

74. Pages and Applications
Some applications may place on your pages, if they were sections - such as full-fledged Facebook profiles, may have the most features
 Real , profile, thus adding to their application may be a possibility, depending on the application in question. Browse the options carefully, however, because if the application is posting to the main profile and the people on both will get duplicates.

75. Usergroups
Groups are like online clubs - to choose who can join, and how broad is its access. Like other parts of Facebook, has a wall that everyone can post to. Parties have two - one for the owner of the post, one for the fans to the post, then all channels integrated into one stream.

76. Simultaneous
Many people consider Facebook to be a place of belonging - may represent a group (casual) and the interaction of membership in clubs, parties can be regarded as a confirmation or a larger proportion of the stamp, so it works both isn't bad.

77. Causes
There are special reasons for applications for Facebook, but if you're passionate about something, ranging from a group or party is a great way to go - remember that other admin (in the edition of membership in a group or to the main page), so you're not the only one in the price.

78. Classifieds
You can put your ads on Facebook - and how much run AdSense ads in most cases. You have to condense what message you want to  send  for very short sentences, but these ads are targeted and very strong.

Part 4 - the best ways to play
There are lots of applications on Facebook, that makes not only social networking site, but the center where you can share games with friends and family. Everything from Farm villa Bejeweled currently works in the Facebook application system - here are some tips to jump start your playing in some of the most popular games.

79. Farm villa
Farm villa is one of the most popular applications on Facebook and the game allows you to run your own farm, to develop their own (virtual) plants, animals and usually more. Its streamlined interface allows everyone easy to play. A similar game is Farm Town, but the mechanics are only slightly different.

80. Crops
Try to think about how often to check Facebook - if planting plants, be sure to be able to come online to get them, or they are a waste of space and coins. How do you harvest more crops and more crops of plants compared to their level, crop planning carefully will maximize the game and become the objects you need.

81. Harvesting
During harvest their crops in Farm villa sell automatically - the same can be said with regard to animals and plants. agricultural town stores all files in a box and can enter the market and sell them.

82. Vehicles and storage
As soon as possible, take harvester, seed drill, tractor - they will allow the management of larger farms, but require fuel. You can save coins to buy them instead of pay money for cash Farm villa. The same can be said of the buildings - some of them, however, are limited edition, so you can buy for cash.

83. Fuels
Fuel used to run vehicles - but it's finite, and batteries. You can also buy fuel using cash, but larger farms consume the fuel before they finished the harvest, plowing and planting, so remember that whatever you choose to do, you still need to do some  manual  work.

84. Is the money worth Farm villa?
Depending on several factors, including how competitive you are, and whether you want an exclusive list, every application that allows you to purchase special credits can be worth it. Do not buy them, although if you are looking for every day.

85. Collections and Projects
Farm villa has a mechanism for creating things like the stables - List of friends is to send parts, then you can build a stable or enlarge space. It can be frustrating, but if you need a lot of pieces. Patience will get you there, and until then keep your comment on this every few days, by clicking on the build and made available via this field. Bejeweled Bejeweled is a tactical game of destroying rocks. There is no  right way  to play, but a few tips include:

86. iPhone app
Bejeweled s Related iPhone applications with the game on Facebook (through connection) and allows you to post your score on Facebook. It is worth its price, resulting in four mini games in one - and another way for the game while you're waiting somewhere without access to a computer.

87. Subscribe to the competition
Bejeweled offers free competition and includes the estimation of the iPhone application update to the site - which allows you to simply join in August to draw, even if it is not already on Facebook.

88. Two different styles of play
Facilities Bejeweled recently introduced special bonuses and more crystals, which gives the following changes to the one-minute blitz game in style. Using those that fit your style of play can maximize your score. Bejeweled for the iPhone did not have those yet been introduced.

89. Bejeweled posts
Bejeweled sends to your profile at any time, achieving the target points - sometimes you can after the lot in a row, which can be annoying. If you plan on playing for a while, you can opt out of sending (as you can from other applications) and the last one. Your friends will surely appreciate.

90. Mafia Wars / Vampire Wars
Both the Mafia Wars and Vampire Wars are basically the same game, with a few minor changes - again, as Farm villa, you can buy in cash or credits to be used in a special part of the game, but unlike Farm villa, do not grow  crops or care for animals.

91. Finish work, even if you are aligned
Mafia Wars and the war allow the vampire go to the next level (set) quests, but should remain at lower levels and those full, if possible - it's a long process, in most cases, but that does not mean
you have extra skill points, and sometimes, in cash games. Maxing also gives a nice ending titles and other things that you can not otherwise earn.
In Vampire Wars, you must create minions to feed their powers - those powers can be purchased and upgraded to better things to do once a day (although it takes several days to increase them at any level). Keeping slaves to almost three times more than you have to pay, and when you will get into fights, lose blood.
In Mafia Wars, a similar mechanism - you need to buy real estate, and assist in the illegal items. During the fight you may lose money. In Mafia wars stop and pick you back to take - in Vampire Wars it automatically.
After completing the tasks / missions, you should always strive to defend
- Be careful that someone close to the level or will be likely to lose - people beat your level and slightly lower level and will help you win more money / blood level. Limited edition items are available in Vampire Wars playing Akems Mandy Gamble and wheels - both are free or cost very little

blood and chill. In Mafia wars are daily lottery, and collections. Collections give bonuses and work a bit like talents - dropping as much after finishing work.

Other games
There are plenty of other games that you can play, everyone is based on things you like to do most - are the different game projects, but the most you can send gifts and add friends to exchange

92. Add as Friend
It is important to remember that not everyone wants to play these games, so if you invite other people, do not do it consistently. If you're new to Facebook and invite friends, watch out for those who act, and ask to add you, or sign up and invite them.

93. Gifts
Sending gifts and items from the game will also invite people to play - so be careful who you send gifts - may have locked the game, or you delete a connection. Similarly, you can send only one day, so choose wisely - if the friend ends with a set of him for it.

94. Shipping Achievement
Most of the game allows you to post your accomplishments, level, or milestones - if everything is made up channel, you may find that your friends complain - or something to read after you at all.

95. Deleting games
Like every other application, you can remove all the applications that interfere with your profile or posting too often - you may find that your friends complain, if posts too often - if this happens, you can simply change the posting privileges of applications, or if you do not play at all, you should delete it by going to your account, application settings and hit the X next to the name of the game.

Part 5 - The application for all seasons
Applications not only games - no tone functions, which can be found in some great applications that can be used for adding new functionality to the new center of social communication. We have an interesting pair here.

96. blogs on the web allows you to share your blog
Did you know that the network also allows Blogs answer your own page (we're talking about pages in section 3)? Be careful - these
That you as a friend and get moved more double updates blogs.

97. Network blogs you also keep track of other blogs
Together with friends and some of the biggest blogs on the web. If you have a list of friends that like to read, consider them on Facebook - or are there, their blogs will be incorporated into their channels easily.

98. Blogs on the web, or import your notes?
(See PART 2 For more information on notes) notes that is a great way, just posting a lot of content to the channel, while the network has the characteristics of blogs that join together with imports of feed group - people can enjoy themselves and assessments of his blog in May of discussion and many others. Everything depends on the needs of the community.

99. The integration of other networks
Facebook has a lot of  bridge  applications that allow for the integration of external social networking sites such as Flickr and Twitter in their channels. This powerful tool can take a while to adjust, but are worth it, if you use the service regularly you are bound.

100. Horoscopes and more
As everywhere in the Internet, Facebook has the equipment to post horoscopes and more - if you are interested in this kind of thing, find one that your friends use and after it.

101. Develop your own
Facebook has a powerful API that allows them to develop just about anything based on a framework - so developing something that you think that other people can just play is easy. It is also good publicity for the  cases , or companies of your choice.

Have fun
Although all these tips are on a Good SEO Service Blog and beyond, it is important to remember that you should always try to have fun. Facebook is a social networking site - to be social and enjoy everything it has to offer!


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